The Dogster Daily

The dog blog. I'm just the tech support.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Squatters rights

There really should be a cross on the lower tail of the "N" - but sometimes the people making these are in a hurry.


  • At 10:57 PM, Blogger KirbyFur said…

    Ah, the east village has yealded several - all in cement for some reason. And that's great news about the postdoc. My truck barely runs at this point, it misses you. It was in the best shape of its little shelf life when you finished with it...I guess sitting by the woodpile for a year and a half was not helpful. I did get all the wasps out of the door last time I was home though.

  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger ShamrockJews said…

    For the clueless out here, what exactly does the symbol mean?

    And since I am asking questions anyway, what's the news about the postdoc? huh? huh?

  • At 10:28 AM, Blogger KirbyFur said…

    Squatters rights is a symbol that squatter write (usually graffiti) near an illegally occupied building. It looks like a lightening bolt or an N in a circle with an arrow at the top end and a cross at the bottom end, signifying male and female. And James may have signed up for another year in the frozen wasteland, um paradise, of State College.


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