The Dogster Daily

The dog blog. I'm just the tech support.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Why I get no work done, exhibit A


  • At 7:20 PM, Blogger ShamrockJews said…

    You can't really blame it on the dogs when it is also true that dusting becomes a priority over work.

  • At 8:32 PM, Blogger KirbyFur said…

    Is that why this place is always so clean?

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger ShamrockJews said…

    I would have to agree. For example (and I am not making this up) yesterday I organized our 5 toolboxs and even made labels for the 40-odd sockets we have from our combined sets. I am not sure what work I am avoiding but I am giving it my all.

  • At 11:14 PM, Blogger KirbyFur said…

    Why on earth did you ship 5 toolboxes to china?!? pschyo (in the fondest tone of voice)

  • At 5:13 AM, Blogger ShamrockJews said…

    We have 5 because they wouldn't let us store anything. It was either ship it or get rid of it and there is just no way we were getting rid of any servicable toolboxes. They are one of those things you can never have too many of. And even so there was 2 or 3 full of stuff that are either with Michael's friends or at my folks' place. So really, there are lots of things we didn't bring. really... i swear. (for the record, my verification word for this post is tarfpfh - he he)


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